ask, What is love on kekasihnya remember that on the Day of
Resurrection?” Answer Rasullullah said: “The place ditiga (period) then
do not remember when that is known so that the charity be pondered
whether light or heavy, when the charity receives a record sheet
(suhuf) so imma get it from the right or left and when the hell out of
the dragon ago beleaguer them and said, “I diserahi three types: People
make Allah swt others with God, and t
people who do not believe in the Day of Resurrection (computation),
then diringkus all those who have it all thrown ago jahannam in hell,
and hell jahannam above that there is a more subtle jambatan hair and
more from the edge of the sword, are dikanan left bantolan and
spine-spine, are the people who run the above have a flash, and a
blustery wind, then there are the survivors, and the injury affected
bantolan thorns, and the fall into the face of hell. “
Abu Al-Laits-sanadnya to narrate from Abu
Hurairah ra said: Rasullullah s.a.w. He said: “The two times the
distance of the trumpet blast of forty years (blast to shut up and
back). Then Allah sends down rain water is like the male sperm, the
timbullah the dead like the occurrence of plants (vegetables).”
Abu Al-Laits-has also narrate the sanadnya
from Abu Hurairah ra said: Rasullullah s.a.w. He said: “When Allah has
finished the heavens and the earth, Allah made the trumpet and
submitted to the Angel Israfil, he put dimulutnya look forward to the
Throne when he ordered.” I asked him: “Yes Rasullullah, whether Shur
(trumpet) is?” Answer Rasullullah said: “like the horns of light.” I
ask again: “How can the size of the?” Rasullullah s.a.w. said: “Very
large bulatannya, for the sake of Allah as the Prophet mengutuskanku
saw bulatannya large area of the sky with the earth, and will be blown
up to three times the first Nafkhatul faza ‘(for frightening),
Nafkhatus sa’aq (to kill) and Nafkhatul ba’ ats (to raise or bring
back). “
In history Ka’ab blast only twice, and
being shut up. God’s Word s.w.t. which read: “Wa yauma yunfakhu
fafazi’a man fissamawati waman fil ardhi man sya illa Allah (The
meaning) And on the day of the trumpet be blown so surprised that all
the fear dilangit and the earth, except the desired by God. (Surah
Annamel: 87)
And at that time tergoncangnya earth, and
men like drunk people, so that the mother killed abortion and forget to
suckle the baby, and children immediately and gray-devil-devil
laknatullah berlarian. But the circumstances and then apply some old
Allah swt enjoineth Israfil second blow trumpets.
God’s Word s.w.t. which read:
“nufikhafishshuri fasha’iqa Wa man fil fissamawati waman man sya ardhi
illa Allah. Tsumma nufikha fihi ukhra fa idza hum qiyamun yandhurun.
(The meaning) And when the trumpet be blown died dilangit and all the
earth except the will of God, and then be blown again, they suddenly
wake up and see. (Surah Azzumar: 68)
Those who are excluded is the spirit of
those who die a martyr, Jibrail, Mika’il, Israfil and Hamalatul arsyi
and Malaikatmaut, so when asked by Allah: “Who’s makhlukKu still
living?” But God s.w.t. find out more. Malaikatmaut Answer: “Yes Lord,
You are alive, not dead, live angel Gabriel, Mika’il, Israfil,
Hamalatul arsyi and me.” He s.w.t. enjoineth Malaikatmaut pull out
their tongues.
Muhammad bin Ka’ab history of one of Abu
Hurairah ra said: “Then Allah said:” He should be dead, Mika’il,
Israfil and Hamalatul arsyi. “Then Allah said:” O Malaikulmaut, who is
still living from makhlukKu? “Malaikulmaut Answer:” You are the living
Dzat will not die, live your servant a weak Malikulmaut. “Firman
Allah:” O Malaikulmaut, not you hear the word “kullu nafsin dza’iqatul
death. (That means) Each makhlukKu, I made you tugasmu for that, and
now died you. ” So be Malaikulmaut died revoke own soul, and he alone,
he suddenly scream, a time that if other beings are still alive nescaya
they will all die because Malaikulmaut was screaming, and he said: “You
I know that the spirit of the depilation seberat this nescaya more
software I will pull out when the spirits of believers. ” Then
Malaikulmaut died and no one of living creatures Allah Then God s.w.t.
said to the world that this low: “Where are the kings and the king’s
son-son, where giant-giant and the son-son of the giant food rezekiKu
but lainKu worship.” Then God s.w.t. said: “Limanil mulkil yaum?
Lillahilwahidil qahhar.” (That means) who have property rights on
this?. This question is not answered, then Allah swt own reply: “only
for God and a single force of all things.”
Then God s.w.t. enjoineth heavens rain
down like a man cum during forty days, so that the water was above all
things as cubits, Allah swt being like the growth of vegetables so that
the perfect body as the first, and then Allah swt pack (cry): “O
Hiduplah Israfil and Hamalatularsyi.” So Hiduplah them. Then God s.w.t.
enjoineth Israfil placing the trumpet dimulutnya, and Allah swt Israfil
meniupnya told to generate, the spirits come out like bees meets the
sky between heaven and earth, and enter into the spirit Jasad in the
nose, then they remove the earth.
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. He said: “I am the
first person out of the earth.” In another Hadith: “Verily Allah has if
if was the Angel Jibrail, Mika’il, Israfil, then they go kekubur
Prophet Muhammad saw buraq bring jewelry and jewelry-heaven, the earth
opens to Mightiness and when the Prophet saw Gabriel immediately ask :
“O Gabriel, what ummatku? (Is that consist of Allah swt ummatku?)
Answer Gabriel: “Accept khabar happy, because you first kuluar from the
earth.” Then God s.w.t. enjoineth Israfil blow the trumpet, suddenly
they rose in unison to see the situation.
Abu Hurairah ra narrate: “Then they come
out from their graves in the nude, they go to God, and then stop
disuatu place for 70 years, Allah let them, or decide not to see their
situation, they cry out so that water mat, and blood and sweat so that
the flood until kemulut, kemusian to Mahsyar called them, they hurried
to call it-that, when all beings have gathered, the jinn, humans and
others, suddenly heard a loud voice from the sky, the open the sky and
down from the whole population of the earth, the angels, and they line
up directly, and ask: “Is there among you who take the Lord for hidab?”
answered: “None.” Then the sky came down the second expert and also a
parade, and then prnduduk down the third heaven, and so on until the
seventh heaven, each of the past and of all the Angel of the earth to
protect. “
Abu Al-Laits-sanadnya to narrate from Abu
Hurairah ra said: “Verily, Allah told the sky will split the world and
remove all of the Angel of the inside, then go down and all encircle
the earth with all that is earth and sky with its second, and the third
with its contents, and the fourth with its contents, and then with its
fifth, and sixth with the content until the line is the seven angels,
half of its setangahnya, so if people go where they found only seven
berisan like Angel where Allah says: “Yes ma’syaral jinni wal insi inis
tatha ‘tum an tanfudzu min aqtharissamawati wal ardhi fan fudzu la
tanfudzuna illa bisulthan. “(the meaning)” O jinn and the men if you
can pierce the heavens and the earth, then please menembusnya. And you
will not menembusnya except with the force. “
God’s Word s.w.t. again: “Wayauma
tasyaqqaqussama’u bil ghomami wanuzzilal malaikatu tanzila.” (The
meaning) “And on the day terbelahnya sky with clouds and sent down the
angels with immediately.”
Abu Hurairah r.a. said: “Prophet Muhammad
saw said: Allah has said:” O mankind and the jinn, I nasihatkan to you,
for the record in its own wordiness amalmu only, who thus get on the
good, let mengusapkan: Alhamdulillah and others who get from that, then
do not blame others except themselves. Then God told jahannam, the
animals that come out of it long ago said, the dark flash-word. He
said: “Nature a’had ilaikum ya bani Adama alla ta’budusy syaithana
innahu lakum aduwwun Mubin. Ani’buduni Wa hadza shiraatum mustaqim.
Walaqad a adholla minkum jibilla katsiera afalam takuni ta’qilun.
Hadzihi jahannamullati bud tu’aduun. Ish lauhal yauma Bima bud
takfurun. (That means) I did not leave a message to you: Do not worship
the devil, the enemy that it positively. And I worship. This is the
straight path. And he led his people-that many people of you. Do you
not rational (thinking) and menyedarinya. jahannam This is the hell
that was diancamkan (warning) to you. Go ye now, because of disbelief.
But at the time genuflect every people, as
Allah says: “Wa tara kulla ummatin jatsiyatan kullu ummatin tud’a ila
kitabiha.” (The meaning) Here you see every human (people) bend the
knees, each community is called to receive suratan amalnya. “Then Allah
decides on all makhlukNya. And among wild animals or livestock, so that
the goat-horned goat which does not given the right reply to a horned
goat, and then ordered into the ground all the beasts. And it is the
disbelievers say: “Oops I had a land.” Then Allah decides between all
the servants.
Nafi ‘from Ibn Umar r.a. said: The Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. He said: “People will be resurrected back to God on the
Day of Resurrection, as the situation when they were born from the
belly of his mother naked. Siti Aisyah said:” Marriage is Rasullullah
women gather? Answer s.a.w. Prophet Muhammad: “Yes.” Siti Aisyah said:
“Woe malunya, kemaluanku can be seen on the half-half.” Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. She hit the shoulder said: “O daughter of the son of
Abu Quhafah, busy people at the time it is not possible will see it,
people in the direct view kelangit, standing for forty years not
eating, not drinking, there are up to perspire heels, until the calf,
and have to stomach to the mouth, for ever cease, and then stand the
angels encircle Throne, and Allah told menyeruan name fulan bin fulan,
all who attended to see the person, then exit to the prang that God
Rabbul A’alamin. And if you’ve seen Rabbul A’alamin called the people
who once persecuted by the people for granted hasanat from good to the
people who teraniaya that, because at the time of payment with no gold,
silver (dinar, Dirham ), then the bill is always so exhausted
hasanatnya, then diambilkan from the sins of those who are persecuted
for dipikulkan him, and if it was all finished, “Back in ketempatmu
Fire hawiyah (jahannam) because on this day there is no dhulum.
“(penganiyaan), verily Allah is immediately calculations. But at that
time does not have an Angel of the Prophet or Apostle muqarrab but that
will not feel safe, unless to the protection of Allah swt”
Mu’adz bin mountain r.a. said: The Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. He said: “laa tazulu qadamaa abdin then yus’ala an
arba. umrihi An fima afnaahu wa’an jasadihi fima ablaahu wa’an ilmihi
ma amila bihi wa’an maalihi min aina iktasabahu wafima anfaqahu. (The
meaning) can not move a foot servants so that about four: what age is
used up. And the body in what he rosakkan. And what he use the
knowledge (whether diamalkan). hertanya And from where he was and where
he can spend.
Ikrimah said: A father holding his son
will be on the Day of Resurrection and say: “My father, when the
world.” So good to praise the children ago my father said: “O my
children, I now intend to hasanatmu a little dzarrah, if I can be happy
with it from what you see this.” Answer her son: “I am also afraid of
what you takutkan it because it can not give you a bit.” Then go to his
wife and said to him: “I used to husbands the world.” Then be
recommended by his wife, and said: “I ask you this one hasanat, lest I
be happy of what you see this.” His wife answered: “I was also afraid
of such as myself to you.” As word of God s.w.t. which read: “Wain
tad’u muts qalatun ila himliha laa yuhmal Minhu syai’un walaukaana dza
qurba.” (The meaning) “And the objection that if the call pikulannya
other people to impose some will not dipikulkan a bit, although it is
called the near relatives.”
Ibn Mas’ud said: Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
He said that read: “Innal disbelieve layul herbal medicine biaroqihi
despite ilaannar. (The meaning) The unbelievers will be lost for ever
in peluhnya that day so he prayed:” O Lord, be merciful to me, even
into hell. “
Abu Ja’far sanadnya to narrate from Ibn
Abbas ra said: The Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. He said: “There is no a
prophet but he has a prayer efficacious, and all have been using the
prayer that the world, and I still keep praying that I use for sebagau
syafa’at for ummatku on the Day of Resurrection. sayalah Remember that
the leading of all children of Adam and it is not proud, and I was also
the first to rise from the earth, is also not that proud, and Alhamd
ditanganku flag on the Day of Resurrection that underneath there is a
child of Adam and grandchildren, was not proud of that. In the riot of
Resurrection and human hardship will be so terrible they came on the
Prophet Adam and berkta as: “O Abulbasyar (Father of all men), give
syafa’atmu (bantuanmu) for us to ask God, that we finish this soon.
Adam answered: “That is not my part, I have been expelled out of heaven
because dosaku, and now I do not think anything except myself, you
better go to Noah as a prophet because he was the first. So they went
to him and said: “Please God you request an order to deliver our trek.”
The Prophet Noah as: “Not bagianku, I pray the earth has been submerged
so that all of them, and now that I have not fikirkan except myself,
but you better go to the Prophet Abraham Khalilullah. So they went to
the Prophet Abraham a.s. and said: “Please the Lord so that we
immediately decided we matter.” Prophet Abraham answered: “That is not
my task for me was a lie three times. Rasulullah saw said:”
keriga-tiganya maintain that because that is God’s religion when he
invited keupacara his people, he states: “Inni saqiem (Indeed, my
pain), time when the two said: “Bal fa’alahu kabiruhum hadza.” (the
meaning) “that the merosakkan idols only this is the biggest and the
third time when his wife would be disturbed by a despotic king, and he
said:” This my brother. ” because now it does not have anything except
how troubled heart nasibku, but you go to Moses as a Kalimullah
directly hear the word of God says. So they go directly to the Prophet
Moses a.s. and said: “Please we use syufa’atmu for mengadap God so that
we complete this deal.” Answer Prophet Moses as: “That is not my task,
I had to kill people without rights, and now I do not think fate except
myself, but you go to Jesus as Ruhullah and Kalimatullah.” So they
immediately went to the Master as saying: “Give syafa’atmu services. To
ask the Lord to ease the immediate suffering of our this.” The answer:
“I was raised with my mother by the people of God, and now there is not
something I worry that unless the task itself, but how, if thou have
terbungkus goods and closed, whether the goods can reach, if not opened
penutupnya?” they answered: ‘No’. And he said: “Verily, the Prophet
Muhammad saw the closing of all the prophets, and God for what has been
mengampunkan ago and who then, you better go kepadanya.Maka came the
people to me, and I answered them, “Okay, sayalah that will help so
that God allows for whom the dikehendakinya and diredhainya, then
living at God. ” Then if Allah wishes makhlukNya complete, the appeal
is: “Where is Muhammad, and the human-ummatnya?” So we are the last on
earth, and the first hisabnya on the Day of Resurrection. And I stand
with the human-ummatku, then the human-human that opens the road for
us, so that there is a sound, almost all of these people are the
prophets, and then I forward kepintu heaven and mengetukmnya, and
asked: “Who is that?” Jawabku: “Prophet Muhammad Rasullullah.” Then be
opened and I immediately go to the Lord and prostrate and up to glorify
the Lord with praise that has not been spoken by one before, and I are:
Irfa ‘ra’saka wa qul yusina’ wasai tu’tha, wasy fa tusyaffa. “(
meaning) lift your head, and say will be heard, and ask for will be
given syafa’atmu will be received. “. So I give syafa’atku on those who
have the heart seberat ant (dzarrah) corn from the faith or confidence
in addition to a confession of faith is no god illallah wa anna
Muhammad Messenger of Allah. “
Umar bin Alkhoththob r.a. when incoming
kemasjid met with Ka’bul Ahbar are providing advice to the crowd, then
Umar said to him: “Give us advice and stories that can add to the fear
of Allah” So Ka’bul Ahbar said: “The angels are made by the standing
upright Allah never membongkokkan their backs, and the other did not
bow down his head so that the trumpet be blown, and their hymn:
Subhanakallahumma wabihamdika ma abadnaaka haqqa ibadatia wa haqqa ma
yanbaghi lacker an tu’bada. (The meaning) is sacred You do, and all
praised God for you, we can not worship thee full observance of
reasonable to you, that to be feasible for you. By Allah, there is a
soul ditangannya, Fire jahannam will diperdekatkan on the Day of
Resurrection and thunderous ago when he was close with a thunderous
sound and the one that does not have a prophet or a person who died a
martyr but he bend the knees down, then every prophet, martyr or Siddiq
only pray: “O Allah, I do not ask unless safety of myself, so forget
the prophet Abraham, Ishmael and Isaac, and said: “Lord, I khalilullah
Ibrahim, and at the time supposing thou, O son of charities such as
Khoththob have seventy prophets, nescaya think that you yourself will
not be happy.” So menangislah all who attended.
When Umar saw the circumstances, and Umar
said: O Ka’ab, give us a brisk khabar. ” Ka’ab then said: Verily Allah
for 313 Syari’ah there, not a face to Allah swt with one of the
syari’at is accompanied by the original Khalimah laa illallah god but
surely entered by Allah for the sake of God into heaven, supposing you
know the size of the grace of Allah, you lazy nescaya do. O brethren,
are prepared to come with the charity that soleh, and avoid because
tidal old ma’siyat you will come to regret tihadap and the life that
terbuang useless, know that when you die means the day has arrived
kaimatmu , as Almughirah bin Syu’bah said: “We await the Day of
Resurrection, when kiamatmu is kematianmu time.”
Alqomah bin Qays when janazah present and
he stood over the grave and said: “The servant is then kiamatnya have
arrived, for a dead issue then see all the Day of Resurrection, which
is heaven, hell and the Angel, and he can not do a charity, he like a
man who was on the Day of Resurrection, and he will rise on the Day of
Resurrection, according to the situation at death, then hit the final
amalnya good. “
Alwaasithi Abu Bakr said: The advantage of
the big three things in the life, death and the Day of Resurrection.
The advantage of living that is when it is used in obedient to Allah,
and the death benefit when she died in khalimat confession Laailaha
illallah and the Day of Resurrection, when profits rose from the grave
to be greeted with the news that is available for heaven. “
Yahya bin Mu’adz Arrazi when dimajlisnya
paragraph that is read: “Yauma nahsyurul muttqina ilarrahmani. Nasuqul
mujrimina Wa ila jahannama wirda.” (The meaning) “On the Day of
Resurrection, We will take people to the godly Arahman (Allah swt)
berkenderaan, are the people who disobeyed the Fire iring We walk and
feel thirsty.”
Then he said: “Relax-O cool man, you will
face Allah swt throng, and face Allah on the items, and will be asked
in detail all amalmu sentence for sentence, is the guardian dihantar
menghdap on Allah berkenderaan , and those who disobeyed were
encouraged jahannam berbondong Fire-crowd, and all will happen when the
earth has been cut off, and the Angels are out of your Lord-line
parade, and dihidangkan jahannam as a threat. Saudara-brother, take
care of you dread the day estimates together with fifty thousand years
(the world), a mengetarkan, sorrow and regret., it is a great day, all
day bangkitnya human face to the Rabbul Alamien, days calculations and
considerations and questions, tossing days, that, that frightening, the
resurrection day, every day where people will see what has been done.’s
Day in which all people will see various forms of charitable deeds, the
human face of day when the white beam and a black face, day in which
someone can not help because the other, not useful and all guile, a day
when the father can not help their children the least, days where
scattered widespread danger, where the day is not received weak people
who do wrong and they still get the curse (anathema), and the
punishment of dissolute, on which the each man must defend himself, on
the day when every mother will neglect to infants disusuinya, even
every mother will shed that contain abortion and those who like the
drunk but not drunk because drinking wine, only because the awful
punishment that Allah is strict in “.
Muqatil bin Sulaiman said: “I think will
stand forward on the Day of Resurrection for a hundred years old,
drowned in peluhnya own one hundred years and they are confused in the
dark are a hundred more years like the busy waves lay claim to God.
Verily the Hour is as much five thousand years, but for a sincere
believer who is right, because the O of the intellect should sihat
patient suffering of the world in implementing obey Allah to ease
hardship for all ills-Hour. “
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